A letter to my daughter at 6 months old

Dear Autumn,

I’m sure each month goes faster than the last. How are we at half a year already, my little cutie? I can’t believe it’s been 6 months since I got to meet you and first held you in my arms.

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A letter to my daughter at 5 months old

Dear Autumn,

Firstly, you’ve grown so much more hair over the last couple of weeks! Where has it all come from all of a sudden? I love stroking it, it’s so soft. We can definitely see that it’s blonde now, the same colour as your beautiful long eyelashes.

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A letter to my daughter at 4 & a bit months old

Dear Autumn,

I can’t believe how big you’re getting. Sometimes it feels so long since you were born and you were so tiny, sometimes it feels hardly any time at all. One thing is for sure, I can’t imagine life without you and I’m so glad to have you in it.

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