Best Foods To Help a Cold & Cough This Season

Guest Post¦ Are you concerned about getting sick during the upcoming cold and flu season? Even if your medicine cabinets are full of home remedies, healthy supplements and Wellements children’s cough syrup, you may be searching for natural ways to improve your immunity and soothe potential cold symptoms through your diet. The right foods can provide your body with crucial nutrients, help ward off sickness and help you recover more quickly if you do develop a cold or a cough. Whether you already suspect that you may be sick or whether you simply want to be prepared in case you happen to catch something, eating the right foods can make all the difference. Here are some of the best foods to help a cold or cough this season.

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Tips For Parenting With A Long-Term Illness

Collaborative Post¦ If you have a long-term illness, whether it’s a chronic illness, mobility issues, or a mental health condition like anxiety, parenting can be even more of a challenge. This can be hard, as any parent knows that caring for a small child is challenging enough, without adding more difficulties on top. You can use these helpful tips to help you to turn your challenges into more positivity, hope, and little wins. It is even more important for you to be able to focus on the incredible gift that has been given to you as a parent; your child. Make sure that your children feel loved, safe, and secure, even on days when you’re finding things tough. Even you’re unwell, you can create an atmosphere of hope, address any concerns your children have with patience, and stay positive. 

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Teaching Kids About Potential Health Problems

Collaborative Post¦ Your children need to know about the world around them, and how they fit into it. And one of the main things they need to know about how life works is that they may run into health problems one day – they may need to see a doctor, or experience some worrying symptoms, and they need to know what to do about these. 

Even as young children, they need to be encouraged to set some healthy and happy habits to keep potential health problems at bay, and as their parent, it’s up to you to set the example!

So, if you’re wondering how you’re going to broach the subject around their health, we’ve collected together some points below that should be able to help you. It’s important to give kids everything they need to lead a long and happy life, and those efforts start right here! 

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My 10 top tips for dealing with a cold

A few days ago, I got a bad cold and now poor little Autumn has a cold too. It was the first time I had a bad cold and had to look after a child. I have to say I did miss being able to just curl up and feel sorry for myself, especially when she started screaming and I had a banging headache! However, it was just a cold, I know things could be much worse. I just got on with it and did the usual things that I do when I have a cold to try and get through it quicker and more comfortably:

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