26 years and 26 goals

Post contains sponsored links¦ Last week, I celebrated my 26th birthday. I can’t believe that this year, my husband and I have been together for a whole decade! I’m also very scared of how close I’m getting to the big three-oh. It feels like time has just flown terrifyingly fast since I left school.

Anyway, it seems like a good time to set some goals for the following year. So, why not do that cliché blogger thing and think of 26 as that’s how many years I’ve been on the planet?

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Librarians in Harry Potter dress

Celebrating 20 years of Harry Potter at Strood Library

As all big fans of Harry Potter, (or ‘Potterheads‘) will know, this is a very important week indeed. Monday 26th June marked the 20th anniversary of the first book, The Philosopher’s Stone being published. In the two decades that have ensued, the hearts and imaginations of children and adults worldwide have been captured.

Many have been celebrating, and J.K. Rowling has thanked her fans.

When I found out that Strood Library/Community Hub were also celebrating the 20th anniversary, I was so delighted that I almost felt 8 years old again!

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Autumn's 3 most favourite books, March 2017

Inspired by World Book Day tomorrow, (2nd March 2017), I thought I’d write about some of the books Autumn has in her collection or has borrowed from the library. Since Autumn was only a 6 week old baby, I’ve been buying and reading books to her often.

It’s never too early to start reading to babies, as it helps them to learn and it’s another activity you can do to help develop their senses. To begin with, black and white books are best as they can’t see especially clearly and they enjoy looking at the contrast. As they get to a couple of months old, they start to pay more attention to bright colours. As a 5 month old, Autumn now absolutely loves books, especially if they’re brightly coloured! She really looks at them and interacts with them by touching them and trying to hold them. Sometimes she even tries to turn the pages by herself!

Autumn seems to have three favourite books currently:

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