A letter to my daughter at 6 months old

Dear Autumn,

I’m sure each month goes faster than the last. How are we at half a year already, my little cutie? I can’t believe it’s been 6 months since I got to meet you and first held you in my arms.

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When do you start feeling like a mother?

It was late January 2016 that I took my positive pregnancy test, so I’ve been thinking a lot about this time last year. I was thinking about when I started being a mum and when I started feeling like a mum. Without getting into a pro-life vs. pro-choice debate, I’d like to share my story and discuss with you when you first started being a mum.

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A letter to my daughter at 5 months old

Dear Autumn,

Firstly, you’ve grown so much more hair over the last couple of weeks! Where has it all come from all of a sudden? I love stroking it, it’s so soft. We can definitely see that it’s blonde now, the same colour as your beautiful long eyelashes.

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Sunday Review: Bambo Nature Nappies

A few weeks ago on Twitter, the Conscious Parent Company were asking for parent bloggers who would like to try and review the award-winning Bambo Nature Nappies. I’m not a huge fan of using disposable nappies, but struggle to fit reusable cloth nappies into my daily life (as lovely as they are). As these nappies are eco-friendly disposable nappies, they’re somewhere between the two, so I jumped at the chance!

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