The Facts About Sustainable Housing

Collaborative Post¦ When building a home these days, more consideration is given to the environment. This applies when building a house in mn or anywhere else in the world now. If you want to ensure that you are doing all you can to protect the planet when building a home, it is best to use professional builders who know what impact the materials and processes they are using will have on the environment. This article will explore what sustainable housing means and how it can be achieved.

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Sunday Review: Bambo Nature Nappies

A few weeks ago on Twitter, the Conscious Parent Company were asking for parent bloggers who would like to try and review the award-winning Bambo Nature Nappies. I’m not a huge fan of using disposable nappies, but struggle to fit reusable cloth nappies into my daily life (as lovely as they are). As these nappies are eco-friendly disposable nappies, they’re somewhere between the two, so I jumped at the chance!

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