
Love: My thoughts on it at 16 years old

What is love? It sure is something the world could do with some more of right now. I was recently going through some things on my bookshelf, when I found something I’d written when I was 16. Dated the 8th of October, I had a vague recollection of writing it in 2008, when I’d been dating my husband for almost a month. Although I’d previously had a blog, I didn’t have one at the time. Really, it kind of is a blog post, but written on paper.

One of my best friends had asked me what love was, when I told her that I loved my boyfriend. She told me that she didn’t believe what I had was love, as I was only a teenager. She used examples of old couples where one has dementia and the other takes care of them as true love. While I believe that love gets stronger over time, I truly believed that what I felt at that time was love. The fact that I have now been happy with Dave for 9 years hopefully reflects that! After having the discussion we had over MSN messenger, I felt like I wanted to write about it. When I found this letter, it was interesting looking back and reflecting on my teenage thoughts about love.

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When do you start feeling like a mother?

It was late January 2016 that I took my positive pregnancy test, so I’ve been thinking a lot about this time last year. I was thinking about when I started being a mum and when I started feeling like a mum. Without getting into a pro-life vs. pro-choice debate, I’d like to share my story and discuss with you when you first started being a mum.

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Our disastrous first post-baby date night

During my pregnancy we didn’t really go out and have dates to make the most of our time as a couple before Autumn arrived. This was because I just felt bad in one way or another throughout the whole pregnancy! Autumn is now almost 5 months old and we felt as though it might be time we went on our first post-baby date night. Knowing that my mum was going to be off work due to half term, we asked my parents if they would be able to look after her one evening for us. 

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10 Reasons why I love my husband

Today is Valentine’s Day and it’s made me think about all the reasons why I love my husband. I think as time goes on and when the dynamics of a relationship change after you have a child, it’s quite common for couples to undervalue each other and not appreciate each other enough a lot of the time. Dave usually reads all my blog posts before they go live, he’s so supportive of my blog (and anything I do, actually). He doesn’t know that I’m writing this one though, so I guess this is kind of my way of saying “I might not always show it, but I love and appreciate you so much! Happy Valentine’s Day, darling!” I know he’ll have a huge smile when this pops up in his inbox this morning.

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